2019 Publications
- Taub, M., Azevedo, R., Rajendran, R., Cloude, E. B., Biswas, G., & Price, M. J. (2019). How are students’ emotions related to the accuracy of cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with an intelligent tutoring system?. Learning and Instruction. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.04.001
- Mitra, R., Marchitto, T. M., Ge, Q., Zhong, B., Kanakiya, B., Cook, M.S., Fehrenbacher, J. S., Ortiz, J. D., Tripati, A., and Lobaton, E.(2019) Automated species-level identification of planktic foraminifera using convolutional neural networks, with comparison to human performance. Marine Micropaleontology.147, 16-24.
- Dasgupta, C. (2019). Improvable Models as Scaffolds for Promoting Productive Disciplinary Engagement in an Engineering Design Activity. Journal of Engineering Education, 108(3), 394 - 417. https://doi.org/10.1002/jee.20282
- Magana, A. J., Elluri, S., Dasgupta, C., Seah, Y. Y., Madamanchi, A. & Boutin, M. (2019). The Role of Simulation-Enabled Design Learning Experiences on Middle School Students’ Self-generated Inherence Heuristics. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 28, 382–398. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10956-019-09775-x
- Biswas, G., Rajendran, R., Mohammed, N., Goldberg, B., Sottilare, R. A., Brawner, K. W., & Hoffman, M. (2019). Multilevel Learner Modeling in Training Environments for Complex Decision Making. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 13 (1), 72-185. doi: 10.1109/TLT.2019.2923352
- Rathod, B. B., Murthy, S., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2019). Is this Solution Pink Enough? A Smartphone Tutor to Resolve the Eternal Question in Phenolphthalein-Based Titration. Journal of Chemical Education. 96 (3), 486-494. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00708
- Dasgupta, C., Magana, A. J., & Vieira, C. (2019). Investigating the affordances of a CAD enabled learning environment for promoting integrated STEM learning. Computers & Education, 129, 122-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2018.10.014
- Mitra, R., & Chavan, P. (2019). DEBE feedback for large lecture classroom analytics. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (pp. 426-430). ACM.
- Joshi, A., Shah V. & Murthy S., "Speak Up: VR-based training system for improving oral presentation skills”, The Future of Learning Conference (FOL 2019) Bangalore, India, January 4-5, 2019.
- Pathan, R., Shaikh, U., & Rajendran, R. Capturing Learner Interaction in Computer-Based Learning Environment: Design and Application. IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019), Goa, India, 2019.
- Singh, A., Mohan, S., Singhal, V., Krishnan, R., & Rajendran, R. What Factors Affect a Primary Student's Performance? IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019), Goa, India, 2019.
- Deep, A., Murthy, S., & Bhat, J., (2019). Geneticus Investigatio: A Classroom-Based Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment for Problem-solving Process Skills in Genetics. In 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 2019. Best Technical Design Paper Award.
- Lakshmi, T. G., & Herold, P. C. (2019, December). Heuristic Evaluation and User Experience Redesign of 'Think & Link' Learning Environment–A Case Study. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 166-169). IEEE.
- Sarkar, P., Kadam, K., & Pillai, J. S. (2019). Collaborative Approaches to Problem-solving on Lines and Angles using Augmented Reality. In IEEE 10th International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 193-200). Goa, India: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/T4E.2019.00-24.
- Narayanan, S. & Murthy, S. (2019) Flare-Fork: A pedagogy for expanding problem and solution space for design problem solving. In 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 2019.
- Kaur, N., Patel, A., & Dasgupta, C. (2019). Collaborative Uncertainty Management While Solving an Engineering Design Problem. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2019, Lyon, France. June 17 - 21.
- Menon, S., & Banerjee. Evaluating Effectiveness of a Teacher Training MOOC: Industry Perspective. IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019), Goa, India, 2019.
- Banerjee, G., & Walunj, S. (2019, December). Exploring in-Service Teachers' Acceptance of Augmented Reality. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 186-192). IEEE.
- Chavan, P., & Mitra, R. (2019, December). Developing a Student Feedback System using a Design-Based Research Approach. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
- Kumar, A., Chavan, P., & Mitra, R. (2019, December). Can EEG signal predict learners’ perceived difficulty? In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education.
- Patel, A., & Dasgupta, C. (2019, July). Scaffolding structured reflective practices in engineering design problem solving. In 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (Vol. 2161, pp. 287-289). IEEE.
- Kaur, N., & Dasgupta, C. (2019, December). Collaborative and Disciplinary Engagement Levels of the Teams While Managing Engineering Design Uncertainties. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 54-60). IEEE.
- Herold, P. C., Dasgupta, C., Murthy, S., & Joshi, A. (2019, July). MathReality: A Bridge from Concrete to Abstract via an AR app for Mathematics Concept of Exponents. In 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (Vol. 2161, pp. 282-286). IEEE.
- Herold, P. C., Khwaja, U., Murthy, S., & Dasgupta, C. (2019, December). RoadEthos: Game-Based Learning to Sensitize Children on Road Safety through Ethical Reasoning. In 2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) (pp. 27-33). IEEE.
- Kaur, N., Patel, A., & Dasgupta, C. (2019). Collaborative and Disciplinary Engagement Levels of Teams while Managing Design Uncertainties. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology for Education, 2019. Goa, India.
- Ngeze, L. V. & Iyer, S. (2019). Online Teacher Professional Development in ICT Integration in Tanzania: An Experience Report. The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting Taiwan, December 2-6, 2019.
Conferences/Symposia/Workshops/Seminars (Participated/ Papers presented)
- Biswas, G., Rajendran, R. & Munshi, A. Multi-Modal Data Analysis of Students’ SRL Behaviors in Open-Ended Learning Environments. American Educational Research Association. Symposium on Multimodal Data during Learning with Advanced Learning Technologies. Toronto, Canada from April 5-9, 2019.
- Kadam, K., Deep, A., Prasad, P., & Mishra, S., Quantitative Evaluation of Concept Maps: An Evidence-Based Approach” In TEEL Workshop Track of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK19), Tempe, Arizona, USA, March 4-8, 2019.
- Shah V., Warriem J., Iyer S., Murthy S. A tutorial on ‘Planning, Designing and Orchestrating Learner-centric MOOCs using the LCM model’ in International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 3-6, 2019.
- Navneet Kaur: Presentation on ‘Improving uncertainty management skills of the learners in the context of engineering design’ in Annual Research Meet (ARM 2019) held in HBCSE, Mumbai, India from March 13-15, 2019.
- Herold PC: Presentation on ‘Investigating concreteness and abstraction in the context of mathematics education’ in Annual Research Meet (ARM 2019) held in HBCSE, Mumbai, India from March 13-15, 2019.
Doctoral Students Consortia papers
- Ngeze, L. V.& Iyer, S. (2019). Developing a Model for Effective Cascaded School Teacher Training on ICT Integration in Tanzania. A Doctoral Student Consortium Paper. The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting Taiwan, December 2-6, 2019.